Tuesday 7 December 2010

IAS Mains Previous Year Paper Political Science (1979)

Paper-I- Political Science-1979 (Mains)
1. Comment on any three of the following :(a) "Both the community of property and the community of families.-tend to make them truly guardians." (PLATO)(b) "Since then some men are slaves is advantageous to any one, then it is just to mike him a slave." (ARISTOTLE)(c) "...and in the actions of men and especially of princes, from which there is co appeal the end justifies the means.” (MACHIAVBLLI)(d) "Whoever refuses to obey the General Will... will be forced to be free.” (ROUSSEAU)(e) "We must therefore worship the State as the manifestation of the Divine on earth." (HEGBL)(f) "The only freedom that deserves the name is that of pursuing our own good, in our own way." (J. S. MILL)(g) "Will, not force, is the basis of the State." (T. H. GRBSN)(h) "The history of all hitherto existing societies is the history of class-struggles." (MARX)
2. (a) "Behaviouralism is a subtle defence of the status quo.”(b) "Behaviouralism has revolutionised Political Science." Comment
3. The world would be a much better place if the concept of national sovereignty is given up. Do you agree? Give reasons for your answer.
4. Attempt a critique of the right to resist the State and bring out the place of revolution in a democratic State.Or"Liberty and Equality are the two contradictory concepts •equally dear to the human mind.*' Comment.
5. "There is no theory of Democracy; it is at best a workable compromise between competing and conflicting interests." Elucidate.
6. What is Fabian Socialism? How does it differ from Scientific Socialism?
7. Make a critical and comparative assessment of the structural-functional approach and the Marxian approach.
8. "Political socialization is the process of induction into Political Culture." Elucidate and bring out the role played by the modern State in the process.
9. Account for the two trends - secular and religious - in the evolution of Indian nationalism.OrExplain the influence of British constitutionalism on the Indian Constitution.
10. "The Indian federation is a heavily-centered one; but the States are not mere provinces." Comment.
11. "The Indian bureaucracy still exhibits British orientations in its thought, action and behaviour." Justify the statement.
12. "India has parties but no party-system." Discuss.Or"Secularization of Indian politics is a myth; caste is the determinant of Indian politics." Comment.Paper - II- Political Science-1979 (Mains)
1. "Over the decades, the primary objective of India's foreign policy has been the creation of a stable inner balance on the subcontinent in which India, as the Principal Power, would play an integrative role." Examine the statement.
"After the Chinese aggression (1962) some of the most significant changes in Indian foreign policy took place. However, they were changes within the overall framework of continuity." Elucidate.
2. Discuss the chief characteristics of the systems approach with special reference to Kaplan and explain its impact on the development of International Relations.
3. "National interest is the key concept in foreign policy. In essence, it amounts to the sum total of all national value...." (Frankel), Explain.
4. The balance of power and policies aiming at its preservation are not only inevitable but are an essential stabilizing factor in a society of sovereign nations;......” (Morgenthau). Comment
5. "International law undoubtedly functions as a regulatory and limiting mechanism in international politics but only in an intermittent and partially effective fashion- it large measure this incomplete effect is due to certain key characteristics of international law as a legal system." Examine this statement.
6. "The non-aligned movement has.... made fundamental contributions to the theory and practice of international relations, and considerably modified the character of both." Discuss.
7. Write an essay on the compulsions of a new international Economic Order.
8. "The Cold War arose because the leaders of American public opinion could not accept the chief consequences of World War II." (D. F. Fleming). Do you agree with this view? Give reasons for your answer.
9. Write a brief essay on the achievements of the United Nations in the social and economic fields.
10. "The theory of 'power vacuum' is at the root of much of the foreign activity in the Indian Ocean and its littoral." Explain this statement.
11. Examine the main issues in the West Asian crisis. What efforts have been recently made by America to resolve them and with what success?
12. "The modest progress thus far made toward arms control arises only partly because the possession of arms threatens international stability. In fact, the two principal competitors take the opposite view, namely, that mutual deterrence is the guardian of international peace and security... The goal is not peace through disarmament; it is peace through controlled, but precarious, mutual deterrence." In the light of this statement examine the progress made since 1963 in nuclear arms control.
13. Which are the effective types of foreign aid? Examine the role of foreign aid as instruments of foreign policy. Give illustrations.

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