Tuesday 30 November 2010

UPSC : Civil Services Exam Paper Pattern (Chinese )

NOTE : Answers must be written in Chinese

Paper I
This paper requires a good knowledge of standard Chinese language and its characteristics. The questions are designed to test candidate’s organisational capabilities. All the questions except the question on translation from Chinese to English must be answered in Chinese.
Section A
· Essay writing in about 500 Chinese characters on a topical subject.
· Translation:
· Chinese-English
· English-Chinese
· Syntactic and grammatical usage.
Section B
· Explanation of idioms and phrases in Chinese.
· Development of Chinese language.
· Comprehension Precis writing.

Paper II
This paper requires a good grasp of Chinese studies and will be designed to test the candidate’s critical ability. All the questions must be answered in Chinese.
Section A
· Short notes on topics related to major events in modern Chinese history (from 1919 till date).
· Critical evaluation of major literary works in pre-liberation period (1919-1949):
· Lao She: Four Generations, Rickshaw-puller.
· Ba Jin: Family.
· Lu Xum: Medicine, Madman’s Diary. The True Story of Ah Q.
· Mao Dun: Midnight
· Ai Quing: Coal’s Reply (Mei de Duihua), Begger (Qigai), I Love This Land (Wo Ai Zhe Tudi), Old Man (Laoren)
· Guo Moruo: The Goddesses.
· Role of Philosophy and Religion in the Development of Chinese Society.
Section B
· Socio-Economic/Political/Educational/Sports/Science and Technological Development since 1979.
· Critical appreciation of major literary works in post-liberation period (1949 till date):
· Gu Hua: The Town Called Hibiscus (Furongzhen)
· Chen Rong: Till the Middle Age (Ren dao Zhongnian)
· Liu Xinwu: The Class-in-Charge (Ban Zhuren)
· Lu Yao : The Human Existence (Rensheng)
· Ai Qing: Fish Fossil, The Mirror, The Gardener’s Dream, The Hunter Who Drew Birds
· Shu Ting: Motherland, My Beloved Motherland.

UPSC : Civil Services Exam Paper Pattern (Dogri)

NOTE : Answers must be written in Dogri
Paper I: History of Dogri Language and Literature
Section A: History of Dogri Language
· Dogri language: Origin and development through different stages.
· Linguistic boundaries of Dogri and its dialects.
· Characteristic features of Dogri language
· Structure of Dogri Language:
o Sound Structure:
§ Segmental: Vowels and Consonants
§ Non-segmental: Length, Stress, Nasalization, Tone and Juncture.
o Morphology of Dogri:
§ Inflection Categories: Gender, Number, Case, Person, Tense and Voice.
§ Word Formation: use of prefixes, infixes and suffixes.
§ Vocabulary: tatsam, tadbhav, foreign and regional.
o Sentence Structure: Major Sentence- types and their constituents, agreement and concord in Dogri syntax.
· Dogri Language and Scripts: Dogre/Dogra Akkhar, Devanagari and Persian.

Section B: History of Dogri literature
· A brief account of Pre-independence Dogri Literature: Poetry & Prose.
· Development of modern Dogri Poetry and main trends in Dogri Poetry.
· Development of Dogri short-story, main trends & prominent short-story writers.
· Development of Dogri Novel, main trends & contribution of Dogri Novelists.
· Development of Dogri Drama & contribution of prominent playwrights.
· Development of Dogri Prose:- Essays, Memoirs & travelogues.
· An introduction to Dogri Folk literature- Folk songs, Folk tales & Ballads.

Paper II: Textual Criticism of Dogri Literature
Section A: Poetry
· Azadi Paihle Di Dogri Kavita
o The following poets: Devi Ditta, Lakkhu, Ganga Ram, Ramdhan, Hardutt, Pahari Gandhi Baba Kanshi Ram & Permanand Almast
· Modern Dogri Poetry - Azadi Bad Di Dogri Kavita
o The following poets: Kishan Smailpuri, Tara Smailpuri, Mohan Lal Sapolia, Yash Sharma, K.S. Madhukar, Padma Sachdev, Jitendra Udhampuri, Charan Singh and Prakash Premi
· Sheeraza Dogri Number 102, Ghazal Ank
o The following poets: Ram Lal Sharma, Ved Pal Deep, N.D. Jamwal, Shiv Ram Deep, Ashwini Magotra and Virendra Kesar
· Sheeraza Dogri Number 147,Ghazal Ank
o The following poets: R.N.Shastri, Jitendra Udhampuri, Champa Sharma and Darshan Darshi.
· Ramayan (Epic) by Shambhu Nath Sharma (upto Ayodhya Kand)
· Veer Gulab (Khand Kavya) by Dinoo Bhai Pant
Section B: Prose
· Ajakani Dogri Kahani – Part I
o The following Short Story writers: Madan Mohan Sharma, Narendra Khajuria and B.P. Sathe
· Ajakani Dogri Kahani - Part II
o The following Short Story writers: Ved Rahi, Narsingh Dev Jamwal, Om Goswami, Chhattrapal, Lalit Magotra, Chaman Arora and Ratan Kesar.
· Khatha Kunj Bhag II
o The following Story writers : Om Vidyarthi, Champa Sharma and Krishan Sharma.
· Meel Patthar (collection of short stories) by Bandhu Sharma.
· Kaiddi (Novel) by Desh Bandhu Dogra Nutan
· Nanga Rukkh (Novel) by O.P. Sharma Sarathi
· Nayaan (Drama) by Mohan Singh
· Satrang (A collection of one act plays)
o The following playwrights: Vishwa Nath Khajuria, Ram Nath Shastri, Jitendra Sharma, Lalit Magotra and Madan Mohan Sharma.
· Dogri Lalit Nibandh
o The following authors: Vishwa Nath Khajuria, Narayan Mishra, Balkrishan Shastri, Shiv Nath, Shyam Lal Sharma, Lakshmi Narayan, D.C. Prashant, Ved Ghai, Kunwar Viyogi

UPSC : Civil Services Exam Paper Pattern (French)

NOTE : (Answers must be written in French except where the questions requires translation from French to English)
Paper I
Section A
Main trends in French Literature
Art in France
The Vth Republic
De Gaulle and the Vth Republique
May 1968
Giscard d' Estaing
Translation: French to English (2 passages of socio-politico-economic nature of 200 words each)
Section B
Main trends in French Literature
Theatre of the Absurd
Art in French
Abstract Painting
The Vth Republic
Parts politiques en France
Place et rôle du Président de la Ve Republique
Le gouvernement
Le Parlement
Le Senat
Translation: English to French (2 passages of socio-politico-economic nature of 200 words each)

Paper II
Section A
This paper will require an in-depth reading of the following texts and the questions will be designed to test the candidateâts critical ability
XVIIth Century
Corneille: Le Cid
Racine : Andromaque
Moliere: L’Avare
XVIIIth Century
Beaumarchais: Le Mariage de Figaro
XIXth Century
Lamartine: Le lac Le Vallon
Victor Hugo: La Conscience. Elle Avait Pris Ce Pli..... Demain, Dés L' Aube
Victor Hugo : Hernani
Musset: Souvenir. La Nuit de Decembre
Marimee: Colomba
Balzac: Eugenie Grandet
Flaubert: Madame Bovary
Baudelaire: L’Invitation au Voyage, Recueillement. L’Albatros.
Rimbaud: Le Dormeur du Val
Verlaine: Chanson d’Automne, Mon Reve Familier, II Pleure Dans mon Coeur...
Section B
XXth Century
Appolinaire: Nuit Rhenane, Le Pont Mirabeau
Jacques Prevert: Pour Faire Le Portrait d’Un Oiseau, Barbara.
Paul Eluard: Liberte
Paul Valery: Les Pas, La Fileuse
Andre Gide: La Symphonie pastorale
Camus: L’Etranger
Sartre: Les Mains Sales
Lonesco: Rhinoceros
Gerard Besette: Le Libraire
Ananda Devi: Le Voile de Draupadi
Cheikh Hamidou: L’Aventure -- Kane Ambigiüe
Abdellatif Laabi: Poemes en prose
L’Arbre a poemes (L’Etreinte du Monde)
Les Reves viennent mourir sur la page (L’Etreinte du Monde)
Essay of general nature on a contemporary theme

UPSC : Civil Services Exam Paper Pattern (English)

NOTE : Answers must be written in English

Paper I

The required text is listed below. Adequate knowledge of the following topics and movements is also required:

The Renaissance: Elizabethan and Jacobean Drama; Metaphysical Poetry; The Epic and the Mock-epic; Neo-classicism; Satire; The Romantic Movement; The Rise of the Novel; The Victorian Age.

Section A

  • William Shakespeare:

    • King Lear

    • The Tempest

  • John Donne:

    • Canonization

    • Death be not proud

    • The Good Morrow

    • On his Mistress going to bed

    • The Relic

  • John Milton: Paradise Lost, I, II, IV, IX

  • Alexander Pope: The Rape of the Lock

  • William Wordsworth:

    • Ode on Intimations of Immortality

    • Tintern Abbey

    • Three years she grew

    • She dwelt among untrodden ways

    • Michael

    • Resolution and Independence

    • The World is too much with us

    • Milton , thou shouldst be living at this hour

    • Upon Westminster Bridge .

  • Alfred Tennyson: In Memoriam

  • Henrik Ibsen: A Doll’s House

Section B

  • Jonathan Swift: Gulliver’s Travels

  • Jane Austen: Pride and Prejudice

  • Henry Fielding: Tom Jones

  • Charles Dickens: Hard Times

  • George Eliot: The Mill on the Floss

  • Thomas Hardy: Tess of the d’Urbervilles

  • Mark Twain: The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

Paper II

The required text is listed below. Adequate knowledge of the following topics and movements is also required:

Modernism; Poets of the Thirties; The stream-of-consciousness Novel; Absurd Drama; Colonialism and Post-Colonialism; Indian Writing in English; Marxist, Psychoanalytical and Feminist approaches to literature; Post-Modernism.

Section A

  • William Butler Yeats:

    • Easter 1916

    • The Second Coming

    • A Prayer for my daughter.

    • Sailing to Byzantium .

    • The Tower.

    • Among School Children.

    • Leda and the Swan.

    • Meru

    • Lapis Lazuli

    • The Second Coming

    • Byzantium .

    • T.S. Eliot:

    • The Love Song of J.Alfred Prufrock

    • Journey of the Magi.

    • Burnt Norton.

  • W.H. Auden:

    • Partition

    • Musee des Beaux Arts

    • in Memory of W.B. Yeats

    • Lay your sleeping head, my love

    • The Unknown Citizen

    • Consider

    • Mundus Et Infans

    • The Shield of Achilles

    • September 1, 1939

    • Petition.

  • John Osborne: Look Back in Anger

  • Samuel Beckett: Waiting for Godot

  • Philip Larkin:

    • Next

    • Please

    • Deceptions

    • Afternoons

    • Days

    • Mr. Bleaney

  • A.K. Ramanujan:

    • Looking for a Causim on a Swing

    • A River

    • Of Mothers, among other Things

    • Love Poem for a Wife 1

    • Samll-Scale Reflections on a Great House

    • Obituary

NOTE: All these poems are available in the anthology Ten Twentieth Century Indian Poets, edited by R. Parthasarthy, published by Oxford University Press, New Delhi ).

Section B

  • Joseph Conrad: Lord Jim

  • James Joyce: Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man

  • D.H. Lawrence: Sons and Lovers

  • E.M. Forster: A Passage to India

  • Virginia Woolf: Mrs Dalloway

  • Raja Rao: Kanthapura

  • V.S. Naipal: A House for Mr. Biswas

UPSC : Civil Services Exam Paper Pattern (Gujarati)

Note: Answers must be written in Gujarati
Paper I
Section A
Gujarati Language: Form and history
History of Gujarati Language with special reference to New Indo-Aryan i.e. last one thousand years
Significant features of the Gujarati language: Phonology, morphology and syntax
Major dialects: Surti, Pattani, charotari and Saurashtri
History of Gujarati Literature
Jaina tradition
Bhakti tradition: Sagun and Nirgun (Jnanmargi)
Non-sectarian tradition (Laukik parampara)
Sudharak yug
Pandit yug
Gandhi yug
Anu-Gandhi yug
Adhunik yug
Section B
Literary Forms: (Salient features, history and development of the following literary forms):
Narratives: Rasa, Akhyan and Padyavarta
Lyrical: Pada
Fiction: Novel and short story
Literary Essay
Lyrical Poetry
History of theoretical Gujarati criticism
Recent research in folk tradition
Paper II
The paper will require first hand reading of the texts prescribed and will be designed to test the critical ability of the candidate.
Section A
Vasantvilas phagu-Ajnatkrut
Chandrachandravatini varta-Shamal
Sudharakyug & Pandityug
Mari Hakikat-Narmadashankar Dave
Farbasveerah- Dalpatram
Saraswatichandra-Part-I Govar-dhanram Tripathi
Purvalap- 'Kant' (Manishankar Ratnaji Bhatt)
Raino Parvat-Ramanbhai Neel-kanth
Section B
Gandhiyug & Anu Gandhiyug
Hind Swaraj- Mohandas Kar-machand Gandhi
Patanni Prabhuta- Kanhaiyalal Munshi
Kavyani Shakti- Ramnarayan Vish-wanath Pathak
Saurashtrani Rasdhar Part 1- Zaver-chand Meghani
Manvini Bhavai- Pannalal Patel
Dhvani- Rajendra Shah
Adhunik yug
Saptapadi- Umashankar Joshi
Janantike- Suresh Joshi
Ashwatthama- Sitanshu Yash-aschandra

UPSC : Civil Services Exam Paper Pattern (Hindi)

Note: Answers must be written in Hindi
Paper I
Section A: History of Hindi Language and Nagari Lipi
Grammatical and applied forms of Apbhransh, Awahatta & Arambhik Hindi.
Development of Braj and Awadhi as literary language during medieval period.
Early form of Khari-boli in Siddha-Nath Sahitya, Khusero, Sant Sahitaya, Rahim etc. and Dakhni Hindi.
Development of Khari-boli and Nagari Lipi during 19th Century.
Standardisation of Hindi Bhasha & Nagari Lipi.
Development of Hindi as national Language during freedom movement.
The development of Hindi as a National Language of Union of India.
Scientific & Technical development of Hindi Language.
Prominent dialects of Hindi and their inter relationship.
Salient features of Nagari Lipi and the efforts for its reform & Standard form of Hindi.
Grammatical structure of Standard Hindi.
Section B: History of Hindi Literature
The relevance and importance of Hindi literature and tradition of writing History of Hindi Literature.
Literary trends of the following four periods of history of Hindi Literature.
Adikal- Sidh, Nath and Raso Sahitya.
Prominent poets- Chandvardai, Khusaro, Hemchandra, Vidyapati.
Bhaktikal- Sant Kavyadhara, Sufi Kavyadhara, Krishna Bhaktidhara and Ram Bhaktidhara.
Prominent Poets-Kabir, Jayasi, Sur & Tulsi.
Ritikal- Ritikavya, Ritibaddhakavya & Riti Mukta Kavya.
Prominent Poets-Keshav, Bihari, Padmakar and Ghananand.
Adhunik Kal
Renaissance, the development of Prose, Bharatendu Mandal.
Prominent Writers: Bharatendu, Bal Krishna Bhatt & Pratap Narain Mishra.
Prominent trends of modern Hindi Poetry: Chhayavad, Pragativad, Proyogvad, Nai Kavita, Navgeet and Contemporary poetry and Janvadi Kavita.
Prominent Poets: Maithili Sharan Gupta, Prasad, Nirala, Mahadevi, Dinkar, Agyeya, Muktibodh, Nagarjun.

Katha Sahitya
Upanyas & Realism
The origin and development of Hindi Novels.
Prominent Novelists: Premchand, Jainendra, Yashpal, Renu and Bhism Sahani.
The origin and development of Hindi short story.
Prominent short Story Writers: Premchand, Prasad, Agyeya, Mohan Rakesh & Krishna Shobti.
Drama & Theatre
The origin & Development of Hindi Drama.
Prominent Dramatists: Bharatendu, Prasad, Jagdish Chandra Mathur, Ram Kumar Verma, Mohan Rakesh.
The development of Hindi Theature.
The origin and development of Hindi criticism: Saiddhantik, Vyavharik, Pragativadi, Manovishleshanvadi & Nai Alochana.
Prominent critics: Ramchandra Shukla, Hajari Prasad Dwivedi, Ram Vilas Sharma & Nagendra.
The other forms of Hindi prose- Lalit Nibandh, Rekhachitra, Sansmaran, Yatra-vrittant.

Paper II
This paper will require first hand reading of prescribed texts and will test the critical ability of the candidates.
Section A
Kabir: Kabir Granthawali, Ed, Shyam Sundar Das (First hundred Sakhis)
Surdas: Bhramar Gitsar, Ed. Ramchandra Shukla (First hundred Padas)
Tulsidas: Ramchrit Manas (Sundar Kand) Kavitawali (Uttar Kand)
Jayasi: Padmawat Ed. Shyam Sundar Das (Sinhal Dwip Khand & Nagmativiyog Khand)
Bihari: Bihari Ratnakar Ed. Jagnnath Prasad Ratnakar (First 100 Dohas)
Maithili Sharan Gupta: Bharat Bharati
Prasad: Kamayani (Chinta and Sharddha Sarg)
Nirala: Rag-Virag, Ed. Ram Vilas Sharma (Ram Ki Shakti Puja & Kukurmutta)
Dinkar: Kurushetra
Agyeya: Angan Ke Par Dwar (Asadhya Vina)
Muktiboth: Brahma Rakshas
Nagarjun: Badal Ko Ghirte Dekha Hai, Akal Ke Bad, Harijan Gatha
Section B
Bharatendu: Bharat Durdasha
Mohan Rakesh: Ashad Ka Ek Din
Ramchandra Shukla: Chintamani (Part I) - (Kavita Kya Hai] Shraddha Aur Bhakti)
Dr. Satyendra: Nibandh Nilaya-Bal Krishna Bhatt, Premchand, Gulab Rai, Hajari Prasad Dwivedi, Ram Vilas Sharma, Agyeya, Kuber Nath Rai.
Premchand: Godan, Premchand ki Sarvashreshtha Kahaniyan, Ed. Amrit Rai, Manjusha - Premchand ki Sarvashreshtha Kahaniyan, Ed. Amrit Rai
Prasad: Skandgupta
Yashpal: Divya
Phaniswar Nath Renu: Maila Anchal
Mannu Bhandari: Mahabhoj
Rajendra Yadav: Ek Dunia Samanantar (All Stories)

UPSC : Civil Services Exam Paper Pattern (Kannada)

Note: Answers must be written in Kannada
Paper I
Section A
History of Kannada Language
· What is Language?
o General characteristics of Language.
o Dravidian Family of Languages and its specific features.
o Antiquity of Kannada Language.
o Different Phases of its Development.
· Dialects of Kannada Language:
o Regional and Social Various aspects of development of Kannada Language.
o Phonological and Semantic changes.
o Language borrowing.
History of Kannada Literature
· Ancient Kannada literature:
o Influence and Trends.
o Poets for study: Specified poets from Pampa to Ratnakara Varni are to be studied in the light of contents, form and expression: Pampa , Janna, Nagachandra.
· Medieval Kannada literature: Influence and Trends.
· Vachana literature: Basavanna, Akka Mahadevi.
· Medieval Poets: Harihara, Ragha-vanka, Kumar-Vyasa.
· Dasa literature: Purandra and Kanaka.
· Sangataya: Ratnakaravarni
Modern Kannada literature
· Influence, trends and ideologies, Navodaya, Pragatishila, Navya, Dalita and Bandaya.
Section B
Poetics and literary criticism
· Definition and concepts of poetry: Word, Meaning, Alankara, Reeti, Rasa, Dhwani, Auchitya.
· Interpretations of Rasa Sutra.
· Modern Trends of literary criticism: Formalist, Historical, Marxist, Feminist, Post-colonial criticism.
Cultural History of Karnataka
· Contribution of Dynasties to the culture of Karnataka: Chalukyas of Badami and Kalyani, Rashtrakutas, Hoysalas, Vijayanagara rulers, in literary context.
· Major religions of Karnataka and their cultural contributions.
· Arts of Karnataka: Sculpture, Architecture, Painting, Music, Dance-in the literary context.
· Unification of Karnataka and its impact on Kannada literature.

Paper II
The paper will require first-hand reading of the Texts prescribed and will be designed to test the critical ability of the candidates.
Section A
Old Kannada Literature
· Vikramaarjuna Vijaya of Pampa (cantos 12 & 13), (Mysore University Pub.)
· Vaddaraadhane (Sukumaraswamyia Kathe, Vidyutchorana Kathe)
Medieval Kannada Literature
· Vachana Kammata, Ed: K. Marulasiddappa K.R. Nagaraj ( Bangalore University Pub.)
· Janapriya Kanakasamputa, Ed. D. Javare Gowda (Kannada and Culture Directorate, Bangalore )
· Nambiyannana Ragale, Ed., T.N. Sreekantaiah (Ta.Vem. Smaraka Grantha Male, Mysore )
· Kumaravyasa Bharata: Karna Parva ( Mysore University )
· Bharatesha Vaibhava Sangraha Ed. Ta. Su. Shama Rao ( Mysore University )
Section B
Modern Kannada Literature
· Poetry: Hosagannada Kavite, Ed : G.H. Nayak (Kannada Saahitya Parishattu, Bangalore )
· Novel: Bettada Jeeva-Shivarama Karanta Madhavi-Arupama Niranjana Odalaala-Devanuru Mahadeva
· Short Story: Kannada Sanna Kathegalu, Ed. G.H. Nayak ( Sahitya Academy , New Delhi ).
· Drama: Shudra Tapaswi-Kuvempu. Tughalak-Girish Karnad.
· Vichara Saahitya: Devaru-A.N. Moorty Rao (Pub : D.V.K. Moorty, Mysore .)
Folk Literature
· Janapada Swaroopa- Dr. H.M. Nayak. (Ta. Vem. Smaraka Grantha Male, Mysore .)
· Janapada Geetaanjali- Ed.D. Javare Gowda. (Pub: Sahitya Academy , New Delhi .)
· Kannada Janapada Kathegalu- Ed. J.S. Paramashivaiah, ( Mysore University .)
· Beedi Makkalu Beledo. Ed. Kalegowda Nagavara (Pub: Bangalore University .)
· Savirada Ogatugalu- Ed. S.G. Imrapura.